The Story Behind Solo Driven Art...
The creation of Solo Driven Art was a meditation, a contemplation of love of detail as well as passion and the unbreakable belief that resulted in the creation of living beings. The artwork is inspired by the external question, who are we? Are we passive observers simply watching our lives pass by or are we the creators of our own reality?
My belief is that every action we take and every thought we have does not only shape our past and future experiences, it also strongly influences the paths of subsequent generations. We live in a participatory universe and have an influence on each other. Following my heart and my desire for a fairer society in which everyone has an opportunity to achieve their goals, I share my stories with the world through my artwork.
Solo Driven Art aims to spread the message that there is a space for us all to live in a community in peace and in harmony with nature. With perseverance and an appreciation for the here and now, with liberty and the bravery to share our talents with others, we can all be successful, achieve our personal goals and create our own reality.
We need to remember that each one of us, without exception, is a sacred and exquisite masterpiece created by the greatest artist of them all! The artist who gave us the power to become creators ourselves.